Kung Fu San Soo 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall)// New Believers – Foundations in the Faith 7:00pm (Rm 210)
Spanish Bible Study 10:00am (room 204)// Addiction Ministry – New Thirst 7:00pm (Rm 202)// Women’s Bible Study (Jan 7) 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall)
Bible Study with Raul Ries (Matthew) 7:00pm
Bible Study 10:00am (Fellowship Hall) Men’s Fellowship 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall) Mission’s Prayer (Rm 210) 7:00pm (1 st Thurs of the month) Young Adult – The Pursuit 7:00pm (Rm 202/203)
Colossians 3:15
Paul made sure to instill priorities in the hearts of his beloved Colossian brethren. First, they were to let the peace of God rule in their hearts.
Do you have the peace of God in your heart? The opposite of peace is anxiety. There are so many anxious people in this world. They worry about everything. If you are an anxious person, learn and study the Scriptures that speak about the peace of God. Memorizing Scriptures that speak about God’s peace will help you cope with your anxieties.
We all need the peace of God to rule over our hearts. Know this: God will bring peace and calm into any storm you are facing in your...